Your Greatest Competitive Advantage

When I left the NFL, I wasn’t just leaving a game—I was leaving a way of life.

My way of life up until this point, maxing out my capacity to get the results that I wanted, was leaving me tired—the type of tired that more sleep doesn’t solve.

And, it was becoming increasingly more apparent to me that the goalposts to my life were always going to move ten more yards down the field.

No matter how much I did, it was never going to be enough.

Deep down, I wanted to point the finger and place the blame on football and the NFL culture. But, I knew that wasn’t the issue. The NFL was just the ecosystem that revealed the deeper issue.

What a gift.

While the direction that I was going to take my life was anything but clear, one thing I was certain of was that I didn’t want to play this game (way of life) any longer.

This game that solely focused on the upward trajectory of doing more, achieving more and being more at whatever cost—leaving me feeling disconnected from my center while wreaking havoc on my emotional well-being.

This game where despite how hard I was working, the life I had was not the life that I wanted and all of my energy was used just trying to hold it all together.

This game where I constantly felt like a spectator to my life—peaking my head around the corner waiting for the next big thing to happen so that I can be happy—for a moment at least.

This game of surviving successfully but but living perpetually dissatisfied.

Something had to change. But where do we go from here?

How do we move our lives forward when there’s nothing left in the tank? When burnout has washed over our lives and we're doing everything we can just to keep our head above water.

How do we move our lives forward when it’s so wildly clear that what once worked is no longer working?

How do we move our lives forward when we’ve maxed out our capacity and we don’t have the bandwidth to engage, to connect and to perform like we know we’re capable of?

How do we start playing a new game?

A game where we learn how to collaborate with disruption so that we can ride the wave to the shore of new (and greater) expansion.

A game where we not only focus on the upward trajectory but also the internal shifts—shifts that allows us to create more inner capacity within ourselves and our teams so that we can drive greater impact, performance and well-being—and do it more sustainably.

Yes, a game where we learn how to cultivate more capacity. Because right now what we need more than ever before is capacity.

In a time full of unprecedented changes and challenges, learning how to create more capacity within both yourself and the teams you are leading will be your greatest competitive advantage.

Are you ready to play a new game?


Finding Inner Rest To Move Beyond Burnout


From Isolation to Connection: How To Partner With Loneliness and Build Stronger Relationships